Course curriculum

  • 1

    Mission 0 Introduction for Coaches/Mentors

    • Welcome! Introduction Space Grand Challenge October 7-9, 2022 ©Cal Poly CCI

    • Space Grand Challenge Mission Gamification and Esports for Space and Cybersecurity Skills Development

    • Contact Support for this course.

    • Spoiler Alert not for students Teacher Guide Parachute

    • Cybersecurity Education_WhitepaperFINAL

    • CyberSafety course ( 8 Mins) Created by student Sabina Sokol

  • 2

    Mission 1 Introduction Space Grand Challenge Student (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Students, Coaches, Mentors, and Parents Commitment & Learning Outcomes

    • Lessons 1, 2, 3, (Google Slides) (Start Here) Students & Coaches & Mentors

    • Space Grand Challenge 2022 CyberSecurity Intro Lesson PDF

    • Space Grand Challenge 2022 Cybesecurity Lesson 2 PDF

    • Space Grand Challenge Practice Challenges 2021 -2022

    • Space Grand Challenge 2022 Cybersecurity Lesson 3 PDF

    • Why is this important? cybersecurity_is_everyones_job_v1.0

    • JPL Secret Message The Parachute

    • Home Router Security Bruce Schneier

    • Home RouterSecurity 2020 Bericht

    • Beginner CTF Training website with resources & Practice CTF from & teacher curricula

    • IP addresses and DNS | Internet 101 | Computer Science | Khan Academy with Quiz

    • Safety Video Series, Ransomware, Phishing,Making Strong Passwords,Online Gaming Safety,Video Call Safety.

    • Learn by doing activity practice using SHA256 info on

    • Cybersecurity Glossaries

    • Satellites - Trilateration Try this exercise! Determine an unknown location given the signal readings of distance from three satellites ● Use formal geometric constructions to determine an unknown location ● Derive the equation of a circle given the cent

    • Satellites - Trilateration Original PDF

    • ***HINT*** Practice Image Download 3 challenges Windows Persistence, Domain Generation Algorithm(DGA), Web Server exploitation,AutoRuns Tutorial, Long Tail Analysis in DNS, Powershell, Linux wget command, Apache Logs, Web Server status codes

    • What are IP Addresses

    • SPACE Course 30 mins of videos Echelon Catapult

  • 3

    Mission 2 Mobile Forensics/Windows Forensics Training & Autopsy ©Cal Poly CCI (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Mobile Forensics Training 2021 for SGC ©Cal Poly CCI

    • Windows Forensics Training 2022 for SGC ©Cal Poly CCI

    • Autopsy Videos Student created Thanks to Echelon Catapult!

  • 4

    Mission 3 Essential Training & Essential Reading Space, Satellites & CybersecurityNetworking, Wireshark & Tools (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Essential Training for Students Wireshark & Tools (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Essential Reading Space and Cybersecurity (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Meta Geek Founder Ryan Woodings-wifiathome basics

    • Satellite Hacking _ Security 2022 presentation Henry

    • Satellites AWS LEOLABS/Basic Satellite Communications and Security Issues/Space Force Mollie Raymond

  • 5

    Mission 4 Deep Space Networking Laura Chappell (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Deep Space Networking Learning Try and challenge your ability to investigate and find important data within complicated technological communications. Trace file provided by Vint Cerf from the original test lab for Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking.

    • Deep Space Networking (pdfs and pcaps) Laura Chappell

    • Laura Chappell and Ginny Spicer DEEP SPACE NETWORKING Defcon 29!

    • Ametuer Satellites For Beginners website

  • 6

    Mission 5 NICE Framework and the CCI try out a sample lesson. (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Cal Poly Nice mini Challenge ©Cal Poly CCI

    • Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) NIST.SP.800-181r1

  • 7

    Mission 6 Ethics & Cybersecurity (Required Learning for Competition) Read Pages 1-10

    • Intro To Cybersecurity Ethics Santa Clara

  • 8

    Mission 7 Cybersecurity & CVE® is a list of publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities that is free to search, and Games. (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Cybersecurity Games & Cognitive Rewards

    • What is a CVE? CVE® is a list of publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities that is free to search, use, and incorporate into products and services, per the terms of use.

  • 9

    Mission 8 Cyberseek Analytics and Careers Workforce Development & Live Cyber Attacks around the globe. (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Cyberseek Analytics and Careers Workforce Development & Live Cyber Attacks around the globe

    • Cybersecurity Career Guide_Start Engineering

  • 10

    Mission 9 DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge (Required Learning for Competition)

    • DoD information systems must complete the Cyber Awareness Challenge to maintain awareness of cybersecurity.

  • 11

    Mission 10 Personal Information Security Assessment (Required Learning for Competition)

    • S2ME is a simple evaluation of your information security habits.

  • 12

    Mission 11 Cyber Aptitude Typology Indicator, or CATI, is a metric-based assessment that identifies an individual's aptitude and matches their learning preference, with their optimal cyber work role. (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Our Cyber Aptitude Typology Indicator, or CATI, is a metric-based assessment that identifies an individual's aptitude and matches their learning preference, personality characteristics, and skillsets with their optimal cyber work role.

  • 13

    Mission 12 BlockChain Basics for Teens! Jacqueline Hayes (Required Learning for Competition)

    • BlockChain Basics for Teens!

  • 14

    Coaches Resource: SGC Coaches Toolkit Recap , FAQ, Intro Lessons, Sample Letter to Principal (Optional- not needed for Competition)

    • SGC Recap ©Cal Poly CCI

    • SGC FAQ ©Cal Poly CCI

    • Cyber To Schools Lessons ©Cal Poly CCI

    • Sample Letter ©Cal Poly CCI

    • Sample Letter in Word Document Format

    • Space Grand Challenge Cyber To Schools

  • 15

    Mission 13 Esports and Leadership Knowledge (Required Learning for Competition)

    • Falkenthal and Byrne Distributed Leadership in Collegiate Esports S&G.cleaned

    • Development of Leadership through eSports

    • How to be a Leader in Esports _ Esports Evolved Ep. 05

    • Making Sense of Complexity - an introduction to Cynefin & Leadership